Our Next Program

From Marin to Sacramento

A talk and discussion about issues, actions, and prospects

Damon Connolly – CA State Assemblymember, 12th Assembly District

Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025
Time: Program 4:00 – 5:30pm (NOTE: Check-in 3:30-4:00pm)
Where: Dominican University Creekside Room, 100 Magnolia Avenue, San Rafael
Cost: $18/person to cover venue and light refreshments cost

See map for directions and parking

[A description of the program and speaker(s) can be viewed below.]


  • Capacity is limited to 70. Registration will close when capacity is reached.
  • If you are making a reservation for 2, there are TWO IMPORTANT STEPS:
    1. Change the “Qty” field on the left (blue section) of the payment page to change the payment from 1 ($18) to 2 ($36) and click “UPDATE“.
    2. List both names (for name tag purposes) in (he “Name(s)” field.

Use this link:

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Program Description

Assemblymenber Connolly will provide an update on the bills proposed this session including the ones Damon authored. He will provide a discussion of what he is doing to protect our district from the current Administration’s efforts to dismantle the actions of the State of California on several fronts.

As usual, the event will include a question-and-answer period. Attendees should expect an informative and lively discussion.


Assemblymember Damon Connolly was elected to the California State Assembly in November of 2022 to represent the 12th Assembly District. Damon has been representing North Bay communities for 18 years as a Marin County Supervisor, Vice-Mayor of San Rafael, School Board President, and California Deputy Attorney General.

As a Marin County Supervisor, he protected open spaces while increasing the availability of affordable housing; set Marin County on a path toward 100 percent renewable energy while keeping the County’s fiscal house in order; and spearheaded responses to homelessness while expanding access to public transit and infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians. Prior to serving on the Board of Supervisors, Damon served as the Vice Mayor of San Rafael, a two-term San Rafael City Councilmember, and former School Board President. He was a founding board member of Marin Clean Energy (MCE) and served as Chair of the Board of Directors from June 2011 to November 2014.

Before opening his own law practice in San Rafael, Damon was a Supervising Deputy California Attorney General, prosecuting the energy companies that gouged our state during the energy crisis of 2000-2001. Damon has served as the President of the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay. He was also a Member of the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Marin County Housing Authority, and Marin County Open Space District. Damon also served as Marin County’s representative on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

As a State Assemblymember, he serves as Chair of the Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials and is a member of the following policy committees: Judiciary, Budget, Budget Subcommittee No.4 on Climate Crisis, Natural Resources, and Agriculture.

Damon is a Bay Area native, attending college and law school at UC Berkeley. He has lived in San Rafael with his wife and their two daughters for over twenty-five years.

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